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Monday, July 31, 2006
X-Fi Elite Pro Driver
Almost one month ago Creative Labs released a new SoundBlaster X-Fi driver for the whole series of their latest soundcards excluding the X-Fi Elite Pro. The reason behind this was a bug found in the driver which causes system crashes when using Cubase LE. An update was supposed to follow shortly afterwards.
Today finally the X-Fi Elite Pro owners can upgrade their X-Fi drivers to the latest version. But, before upgrading remember that this update is only a beta version.
"This download is a beta driver for Creative Sound Blaster® X-Fi™. It is not fully tested. This download provides full OpenAL 1.1 support for gamers. For more details, read the rest of this web release note."
Seeing that this X-Fi driver required almost a month to get released even though there was only a minor bug is very surprising. Even more surprising is the fact that it is still only a beta version.
The X-Fi Elite Pro driver v2.09.0001 beta can be downloaded using Creatives download page.
Again the non-beta release should follow shortly. If you would like to get notified once the new driver is available you can subscribe to the X-Fi Zone newsletter or receive updates directly to your Google homepage.
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